
Agroupusin gCE5protocolto [女優]

A group using CE5 protocol to contact a UFO creating great halo in the sky of Chile

Similar to Dr. Steven Greer, a group of amateurs communicate with an unidentified flying object using the CE5 protocol, and the unidentified flying object reflects a huge amount of light when a laser light is directed at it.

In Chile, a group of hobbyists used CE5 protocol to communicate with UFOs, and potentially intelligent extraterrestrial life, which was founded by Dr. Steven Greer.

The group was able to communicate with an unidentified flying object, that was creating a giant halo of light when laser light was directed at it.

Where we can see in the footage a large group of witnesses present on the beach, during the communication process.

And we can imagine the huge amount of light resulting from the reflection process, which illuminates a large area of the sky, as well as the beach
tag: ufo,ufos,ufo sighting,ufo sightings,ufo footage,ufo news
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【解谜千古之谜“林彪 事件”】第13集:被隐瞒许久 [歌手]



tag: 毛泽东,文革,林彪事件,林彪,四大金刚,黄永胜,吴法宪,李作鹏,邱会作,陈伯达,张春桥,江青,毛远新,刘少奇,五七一工程纪要,美国记者斯诺,四个伟大,毛泽东“挖墙脚”,李雪峰,吴德,中央军委办事组,毛泽东改组北京军区,林立果,叶群,高岗,庐山会议,九届二中全会,批陈整风,林彪不肯认错检讨,周恩来保护支持林彪
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